Ben Gonzalez


Ben Gonzalez Portrait

Storyteller, Drummer, Digital Entertainer

Whether he’s reading his favorite book or blogging his thoughts on the latest video games, Ben is always eager to hear or recount a good story. As a writer, he uses his passion for sharing people’s experiences to develop impactful narratives in his work. Trained in anthropological fieldwork and journalistic research, Ben’s background enables him to pinpoint the heart of a story and bring it to life.

Always remember who you’re writing for, and stay true to that audience no matter what.

Raised in Austin but now a proud San Antonian, Ben loves to seek out new taquerias and go on hikes around the city. After graduating from Trinity University in San Antonio, he reported for local news publications and briefly moved to New Haven, Connecticut to work as an anthropology research assistant at Yale University. 

Ben was attracted to BE for its welcoming atmosphere and emphasis on team growth. “I saw BrandExtract as an opportunity to further expand my skills as a writer and open myself up to new, challenging experiences,” Ben said. “It seemed like a truly collaborative space where I could experiment and grow.” 

Always eager to learn new skills, Ben’s professional goals include developing a mastery over SEO and data analytics. Utilizing his prior experience in reporting, Ben also hopes to write web and social media content that authentically connects with audiences in a meaningful way. 

Outside of the office, Ben enjoys cultivating another audience through his blog-style newsletter on games media and making videos with his friends on Twitch and YouTube. A music lover and percussionist, Ben likes to play the drums in his free time and drive to the tune of hip-hop and jazz legends.


  • BA in Anthropology, Trinity University
  • Minors in Spanish, Global Health Studies
  • Content Marketing — Hubspot Certified
  • Content Marketing Fundamentals — Semrush Academy Certified
  • Role of Content in SEO — Semrush Academy Certified